Wednesday 30 May 2012

NTEN Connect: 5 Cloud Based Apps to Help Keep You Organized

May 2012: Is it time for your organization to make the jump to the Cloud? Are you already using it? Either way, we've got you covered. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
The Nonprofit Technology Network helps nonprofits use technology strategically and confidently to create the change they want to see in the world. Tell us what you need from NTEN in 2012 by filling out our Community Survey!

Out of the Closet, Into the Cloud
Holly Ross, Executive Director, NTEN

If I were a betting woman – and I am totally not; I stick to penny slots in Vegas – I'd bet that "the cloud" is right up there with "tweet" and "Instagram" when it comes to tech terms you've heard too much lately.

Like all tech fads that explode onto the scene, the cloud has suffered from a lot of unjustified criticism – as well as some undeserved hype.

At NTEN, we believe that cloud solutions, when aligned with nonprofit needs, are a big win. You're not in the IT business, so you shouldn't be running an IT shop. Every moment not spent fixing a server is a moment your tech person can spend using technology to serve your clients better.

Cloud adoption is high in our sector, and if you're ready to make the leap, we've got some great articles this month to help you make it successful.

You can also find a lot of great information in our recent report on the "State of the Nonprofit Cloud". It's free to download the PDF!


5 Cloud Based Apps to Help Keep You Organized
By Jeff Ramos, Community and Content Manager, Games for Change

Even though many of us are entrenched in the intersection between our work and technology, we often struggle with finding ways to make our lives simpler.

In today's world, cloud technology allows most nonprofits with an Internet connection to access hundreds of files, manage multiple teams, and keep track of others whether they are remote or across the office.

To help you keep track of files while keeping your sanity, here are 5 Cloud based tools that can help your entire organization collaborate.


The Cloud: Not As Airy As You Thought
By Geri Stengel, President, Ventureneer

The cloud is often described as a "utility based" service. Like electricity, water, or gas, you pay for what you use and can increase the amount you use as needed. Also like utilities, it's a lot cheaper to use Con Edison than it is to buy and maintain your own generator and meters.

Cloud computing is really a boon to startups -- both nonprofit and businesses -- because it significantly reduces upfront costs. Even better? You're already using it.


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Developing a Cloud Migration Strategy

By Matthew Eshleman, Director of Professional Network Services, Community IT Innovators

While it may be tempting to move to the cloud because of your free 10 Salesforce licenses or free Google Apps account, it's critical to answer the question: Why migrate?


What is the Value of the Cloud for CSOs in the Developing World?

By Keisha Taylor, Communications Manager, TechSoup Global & GuideStar International

The Cloud is channelling the creativity of developers in the developing world despite the absence of sufficient infrastructure.


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Google Drive: Does It Matter?

By TJ Rainsford, CTO, 501cTECH

Google Drive is still brand new and not without limitations, but its capabilities are pretty hard to ignore.


Into the Cloud: Great Books Foundation

By Chris Bernard, Editorial and Communications Director, Idealware

A technologically conservative mid-size organization takes a risk with the Cloud, saving staff time and opening the door to other technology.


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Things We Like

A monthly roundup of our favorite nonprofit tech resources and other goodies. Read more posts on our blog.
  1. You may have noticed our little homage to Cloud City in the header. But did you know that May 25th was the 35th anniversary of the original Star Wars? Or that there are some social media lessons to be learned from Luke, Han, Chewie, and company?
  2. Speaking of social media lessons learned, Brazilians actually use Orkut, according to this infographic on what tools the rest of the world uses. We had wondered why that site hadn't started redirecting straight to G+.
  3. They probably know better than we do. But that doesn't mean they have to: check out fivesecondtest to start optimizing your own landing pages. (We've also had fun playing with Optimizely.)
  4. We can tell you that you should "stop measuring 'time on site' and 'pages/visit' as if they were Key Performance Indicators". Just stop it.
  5. When you're ready to tell the rest of your org about some real KPIs, we suggest you do it while tooling around on Honda's new "butt-streered Segway". [Ed note: if somebody were to donate one of those to NTEN, we would totally post the ensuing hilarity on Facebook.]
  6. Apparently, taking a break from answering email can boost your productivity. (Not this email, of course.)
  7. We'd suggest you check out the Kitten Cam, but that might lead you to take too long a break. Oh, oops. Sorry, productivity. Sometimes, the kittens have to win.
  8. Hopefully you already have an extraordinary boss, one who understands that having fun is essential to creating a more passionate work culture. Either way, thank you, Quipi, for your passion.
APRIL 2012

In the second half of 2011, we set out to look at the "State of the Nonprofit Cloud". This (free) report is the result.



What nonprofit technology issues does your organization most need help with? How helpful are NTEN's resources to your work? How does your organization incorporate technology into its work?

Each year NTEN conducts an annual survey to guide our work and understand how the nonprofit technology community is doing. Your answers to these questions help us shape the programs and services we offer to NTEN members and the wider nonprofit sector



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About NTEN

The Nonprofit Technology Network helps nonprofits use technology strategically and confidently to create the change they want to see in the world.


1020 SW Taylor Street, #800
Portland, OR 97205
Tel: 415.397.900
Fax: 415.814.4056

NTEN CONNECT is the monthly e-newsletter of the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN).
Photo Credit: futursimple
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