Several scholarships are available through the Nebraska American Legion Auxiliary. Each student can only choose one of the scholarship applications to submit. The application must nclude a letter stating their chosen field of study, a letter of recommendation from the local American Legion Auxiliary chapter, letters of recommendation signed by the person writing the letter, and the application itself. Check out the following scholarships:
1. National President's Scholarship
2. The Non-Traditional Student Scholarship
3. Spirit of Youth Scholarship
4. Girl Scout Achievement Award
5. Samsung American Legion Scholarship
6. American Legion Legacy Scholarship

In addition, each student may choose one of the following Nebraska Department Scholarships to submit from the Nebraska Legion Auxilary Site.

1. National Presidents Scholarship
2. Educating Children of Warriors Scholarship
3. Non-Traditional Scholarship
4. Spirit of Youth Scholarship
5. Samsung American Legion Scholarship
6. American Legion Legacy Scholarship

Nebraska Department Scholarships:
1. Averyl Elaine Keriakedes Memorial Scholarship
2. Graduate Scholarship
3. Practical Nursing Scholarship
4. Ruby Lorraine Paul Fund Scholarship
5. Ruby Paul Campaign Fund Scholarship
6. Roberta Marie Stretch Memorial Scholarship
7. Student Aid Grant or Vocational Technical Scholarship
8. Nurse's Gift Tuition Scholarship