Sunday, 9 October 2011

Connotea: Bookmarks matching tag (50 items)

Connotea: Bookmarks matching tag (50 items)

Separating The Threads: What Is the Link Between Access and Profitability?

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:39 PM PDT

Separating The Threads: What Is the Link Between Access and Profitability?
David Crotty
The Scholarly Kitchen, (28 Sep 2011)
"Two recent newspaper editorials (by Monbiot and Guttenplan) made angry arguments against the “ruthless capitalists” behind scholarly publishing, charging that profit margins were far too high. Both articles suggested that open access (OA), particularly gold OA, was the solution to this problem. Do these arguments hold up when the majority of OA journals are owned by those same ruthless capitalists and when some OA journals are proving to be extremely profitable? ..."

L3T: Collaboration and Open Access

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:38 PM PDT

L3T: Collaboration and Open Access
Mediendidaktik 2.0, (29 Sep 2011)

Researchers! Stop doing free work for non-open journals!

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:36 PM PDT

Researchers! Stop doing free work for non-open journals!
Mike Taylor
Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week, (29 Sep 2011)
"If you are a researcher and don’t like the stranglehold that commercial publishers have on our work — if you object to the fact that much of your institution’s funds goes to pay these unappointed gatekeepers for subscriptions, rather than on funding research — if you agree that work funded by your government should be freely available to citizens — then please join me in refusing to review for non-open journals. It’s the right thing to do...."
Posted by petersuber to oa.pledges on Sun Oct 09 2011 at 02:36 UTC | info | related

Digital scholarship and #Change11

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:34 PM PDT

Digital scholarship and #Change11
Gillian's Learning and Qualifications Blog, (29 Sep 2011)

Princeton, Open Access, and the Evolution of Scholarly Communication

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:32 PM PDT

Authors versus publishers

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:30 PM PDT

Authors versus publishers
Matt Wedel
Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week, (30 Sep 2011)

Shared Academic Knowledge Base (KB+) – Library Directors event

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:26 PM PDT

Shared Academic Knowledge Base (KB+) – Library Directors event
Shared Academic Knowledge Base KB 8211 Library Directors event
Ben Showers
Information Environment Team, (29 Sep 2011)
"Yesterday saw the shared academic knowledge base (KB+) briefing day for approx. 60 library directors and senior managers take place in London, at the Wellcome Trust. The project, known as KB+, is developing a shared community service that will improve the quality, accuracy, coverage and availability of data for the management, selection, licensing, negotiation, review and access of electronic resources for UK HE...."

PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN - Kretschmer/Schipanski: Wissenschaftsfreundliche Novellierung des Urheberrechts weiter vorantreiben - UrhG, Forschung, Open, Access, Möglichkeit, CDUCSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Arbeitsgruppe, Lehre, Regelung, Bildung, Förderung, Jahr, Werken, Bezug, Diskussion, Kopienversand, Neben, Frage, Impulse, Harmonisierung, Schrankenregelungen, Wiedergabe

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:20 PM PDT

ACRL Signs Berlin OA Declaration, Encourages Others

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:10 PM PDT

ACRL Signs Berlin OA Declaration, Encourages Others
Kara Malenfant
ACRL Insider, (07 Oct 2011)
"ACRL is proud to join the growing ranks of signatories to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and the Humanities and encourages college and research libraries, as well as other campus groups, to do likewise...."

TV Archives Join Linked Open Data Movement

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 08:18 AM PDT

TV Archives Join Linked Open Data Movement
British Universities Film & Video Council, (29 Sep 2011)
"The EUscreen project has recently taken steps to expand the scope of its aim to provide unified access to large integrated digital collections related to European television history. By implementing the Linked Open Data principles and by signing the new Europeana Data Exchange Agreement, the materials that are made accessible through the platform have become more widely searchable, findable, linkable, and thus more connected to the world wide web, its users… and the machines that link them together...."

Scholarly Publishing: Full Text of Letter from bepress CEO Thanking Subscribers « INFOdocket

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 08:15 AM PDT

Scholarly Publishing: Full Text of Letter from bepress CEO Thanking Subscribers « INFOdocket
The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) sold its subscription journals to De Gruyter in order to focus on OA. From the bepress public letter of 9/25/11: "We made the decision to exit the subscription‐based journal publishing business in order to focus all of our energies on Digital Commons, our software‐as‐a‐service institutional repository and publishing platform. While we are proud of the bepress journals and the innovative journal model we developed, we recognize that going forward we can best serve academia by dedicating ourselves to Digital Commons and publishing services. It has become clear to us that the academic library will play a critical role in the future of scholarly communications and so we are committing ourselves to library‐led publishing, research dissemination and open access...."

09/30/2011: EPA Launches New Mapping Tool to Improve Public Access to Enforcement Information / Mapping feature supports the White House Regulatory Compliance Transparency Initiative and improves public access to information

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 08:09 AM PDT

09/30/2011: EPA Launches New Mapping Tool to Improve Public Access to Enforcement Information / Mapping feature supports the White House Regulatory Compliance Transparency Initiative and improves public access to information
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced the release of a new mapping feature in EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database. As part of EPA’s ongoing effort to improve transparency, the EPA and State Enforcement Actions Map will allow the public to access federal and state enforcement information in an interactive format and to compare enforcement action information by state. The map will be refreshed monthly to include up to date information about the enforcement actions taken to address violations of air, water, and waste laws...."

Bitte an alle CDU-Mitglieder: Helft mit, Open Access auf die Bildungs-Agenda zu setzen

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 08:07 AM PDT

Bitte an alle CDU-Mitglieder: Helft mit, Open Access auf die Bildungs-Agenda zu setzen
Frischer Wind, (30 Sep 2011)
From Google's English: "Some background: For this year's CDU party congress, which will take place in November in Leipzig, the adoption of a new educational concept is planned....To take advantage of this opportunity as well, I have tabled two proposals on topics on the science blogs (and also the Scilogs) a regular subject of discussion are: open access in science (see eg here , here , here , here or here ) and the precarious work conditions of young scientists (see eg here , here , here , here or here ). My suggestion about Open Access is her (after logging) in Chapter VIII of the proposal number 00 238...."

Springer Grants Haitian Students and Researchers Free Access

Posted: 08 Oct 2011 07:49 AM PDT

Springer Grants Haitian Students and Researchers Free Access
ResourceShelf, (29 Sep 2011)
"As Haiti continues to rebuild in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, Springer Science+Business Media is granting 15,000 students and researchers in the devastated country access to its online platform SpringerLink. Springer provides them with scientific content from approximately 2,000 research-level scientific journals including French-language editions and the state-of-the-art book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Access to journal articles and eBook content ranges from the current year back to 1997....Access to Springer content is temporarily free of charge as ‘help for self-help’ to all users of the State University of Haiti for an initial period from 2011 to 2013. Thereafter, Springer will undertake a thorough review of the usage and impact this access has had for all the users in Haiti...."

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