Thursday, 17 November 2011

International Scholarships Resources

International Scholarships Resources

[Japan] The Hindu-Hitachi Scholarships 2012

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 12:02 AM PST

The Hindu-Hitachi Scholarships 2012
Host (Institutions): 
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, THE HINDU
Non Degree
Field of Study: 
Industrial, Transportation and Urban Development Systems ,Information and Telecommunication Systems, Power Systems
Study in: 
Indian Citizens
December 31 2011

Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, in association with THE HINDU invites applications for three scholarships for technical training in JAPAN. Trainees shall be during their training, under the supervision and direction of Hitachi, which has full discretion on scope, mode, duration and place of establishment of their training.


  • Candidates who must be Indian Citizens, should not have completed 30 years of age on 31-03-2012 and should be in possession of the minimum Degree of B.E., or B.Sc. (Engg.) or its equivalent from any recognized University.
  • Parents or Guardians of selected candidates shall guarantee their good conduct and shall undertake to pay for their repatriation should their conduct be found unsatisfactory by Hitachi Ltd., or any public authority in Japan or in case the selected candidates desire to discontinue their studies in Japan for any reason whatsoever during the period of their scholarship
  • The Scholarships are tenable in Japan for principally six months commencing about July 2011. Trainees may have general training in one of the following product fields of Hitachi Ltd., (Hitachi) for Example
    1. Industrial Systems
    2. Transportation Systems
    3. Power Systems
    4. Information and Telecimmunication Systems being subject to the convenience of each of Hitachi's establishments

    During the training, there will be special emphasis on environment-related and energy-saving technologies.

More Information

Eiffel Scholarships 2012

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 12:02 AM PST

Eiffel Scholarships 2012
Host (Institutions): 
The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Postgraduate, Master
PhD, Doctoral
Study in: 
€1,181 for Master's courses – €1,400 for PhD courses
January 6, 2012

The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs launched the Eiffel excellence scholarship programme to support French centres of higher education in their international outreach initiatives, in a context of mounting competition among developed countries, to attract elite overseas students on master's, engineering and PhD courses.

Master's course:

  • Cover a set number of months in order to help prepare and pass the diploma, provided students have met the academic obligations for each academic year.
  • The scholarship runs for up to 12 months for a master's 2 course, up to 24 months for a master's 1 course and up to 36 months for an engineering diploma course.
  • A preliminary language training course of two month maximum duration can be paid for non French- speaking students at the request of the French host training institution in order to allow them to adjust to the training course in the best conditions. Students will receive their Eiffel allowances during this period.
  • The centre submitting the application must clearly state the overall programme duration, including any compulsory practical components in France or elsewhere..

PhD course:

  • Granted for a period of up to ten months.
  • Language instruction simultaneous with the main course may be available for the disciplines of law and political science, on request from the French host centre.
  • Split courses: If approved by the selection commission, law and political science students may split the ten months into a maximum of three sessions lasting three to four months, over a maximum of three years, with students returning to their countries of origin between sessions. Only one round trip will be supported.
  • Centres are invited to inform Égide immediately of any event liable to delay graduation.
More Information

Égide - Programme Eiffel
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris

Click here to contact the provider

[Japan] Beasiswa Monbukagakusho untuk Program Penataran Guru 2012

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 12:02 AM PST

Beasiswa Monbukagakusho untuk Program Penataran Guru 2012
Host (Institutions): 
Pemerintah Jepang
Non Degree
Study in: 
Tiket kelas ekonomi p.p. Indonesia (Jakarta) - Jepang; Bebas biaya ujian masuk, biaya kuliah, dan uang pendaftaran; Tunjangan bulanan sebesar ¥ 152.000 per bulan; Peserta disediakan asrama
27 Januari 2012

Pemerintah Jepang memberikan beasiswa (Monbukagakusho) untuk Program Penataran Guru (Teacher Training Program) yang dirancang khusus bagi para guru untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran sesuai dengan bidangnya. Mereka akan diberikan pelatihan dalam cara mengajar, pembuatan rencana belajar-mengajar yang lebih efektif dan menarik minat siswa dan hal-hal lain yang dapat mengingkatkan kualitas dan kemampuan para guru.


  • Lulusan S-1 atau D-4 dan guru yang mengajar secara aktif di SD, SLTP, SLTA (termasuk sekolah swasta dan SMK).
  • Pelamar telah mengajar lebih dari 5 tahun di lembaga pendidikan formal pada tanggal 1 April 2012. Semua bidang ditawarkan kecuali, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa daerah, bahasa Arab, pendidikan agama dan perhotelan.
  • Usia di bawah 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 April 2012.
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani. (bagi pelamar wanita tidak diperbolehkan dalam kondisi hamil)
  • Bersedia belajar bahasa Jepang karena bahasa pengantar di universitas adalah bahasa Jepang.

Bagaimana Melamarnya?

Bagi pelamar, baik pegawai negeri maupun swasta dapat langsung menyerahkan/mengirimkan formulir yang telah diisi ke Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang dengan dilampiri dokumen yang diperlukan. Bagi pelamar yang berstatus pegawai negeri tetap harus melapor dan menyerahkan fotokopi formulir kepada Biro Kerjasama Luar Negeri (BKLN) Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nasional.

Kirimkan lamaran dengan melengkapi dokumen sebagai berikut:

  • Formulir.
  • Pasfoto (harus ditempel pada formulir).
  • Ijasah dan transkrip nilai.
  • Surat Keterangan dari tempat mengajar yang menjelaskan bahwa pelamar adalah staf pengajar yang masih aktif mengajar dan disetujui mengikuti program beasiswa ini, disertai dengan keterangan jumlah lama tahun mengajar.
  • Surat Rekomendasi dari atasan mengenai pribadi pelamar.

* Semua dokumen ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau Jepang.(Ukuran kertas A4)

Kirimkan berkas lamaran ke
Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
Jl. M. H. Thamrin 24
Jakarta 10350

More Information

Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di:

Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
Jl. M. H. Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350
Tel. 021 - 3192 4308 ext. 175 atau 176

Konsulat Jenderal Jepang Surabaya
Jl. Sumatera No. 93, Surabaya
Tel. 031 - 503 0008

Konsulat Jenderal Jepang Medan
Wisma BII Lt. 5, Jl. P. Diponegoro No. 18, Medan
Tel. 061 - 457 5193

Konsulat Jenderal Jepang Denpasar
Jl. Raya Puputan 170 Renon
Telp. 0361 - 227 628, 223 193

Kantor Konsuler Jepang Makassar
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 31, Makassar
Telp. 0411 - 871 030


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